Sunday, May 27, 2012

Major Milestone!

Oh, hi.  Remember me?  I'm so sorry i've been neglectful of my beloved boo blog.  I've started 3 or 4 different posts over the last (gasp) two months and just keep getting side tracked before I post.  Well, no more.  Today is too big of a day not to post as we had a major milestone this weekend: Jakson took his first steps!!  He actually took some sorta steps on a few different occasions over the weekend but I'm counting the ones tonight as the official steps as he took multiple steps (three, i think?) and he actually walked forward, instead of sideways or with a minor aid.  So YAY Jakson has officially moved into the toddler category.  And boy are there mixed emotions about that!!!

So what else has happened since Jakson turned 1?  Let me see...we had a super fun 1st birthday party for him.  It was a "Rainbow Rob" party, his favourite book (thanks to the darling Katie Lane for the gift).  Here are a few pics from the special day:

Rainbow Rob cake + other rainbow delights.

Happy birthday baby boo!!

The inside of the cake was also a RAINBOW!!

Eat some of my rainbow cake, Nanny. 

Party People

As mentioned in my last post, we took Jakson to the London Zoo for his first birthday.  So I thought I'd share a couple of photos from Jakson's birthday trip to the zoo:

See the gorilla above their heads?

Great apes.

Other happenings include an O'Brien family holiday to the lake district.  We're just back actually after having a week of gorgeous sunshine and beautiful weather up north.  It was an amazing holiday with the O'Brien clan, including us, Carol & Danny, Clare & Arron and Nan.  We rented a small cottage in Ambleside, Cumbria for Danny's 60th birthday.  Spent the week hiking, walking and driving all over the lake district.  Took Jakson on a hike to see his first waterfall and just enjoyed some family time in the sunshine. 
En route to Jakson's first waterfall!

Family photo at the fall.

Jaksons first boat ride across Lake Windermere.

Family photo on the ferry across Lake Windermere.
So those are the exciting things happening in our world.  Lots of fun and lots of sunshine in London - which is a mega bonus as it rained almost all of April and May.  In addition, Jakson spent most of his days since his birthday being very ill with impetigo as well as hand, foot and mouth disease.  Long story and although worth a mention i can't bring myself to go into the details as it was such a horrific ordeal.  Oh, and did I mention he also broke his hand?  Minor break and no cast but after 3 (or was it 4?) visits to various doctors and x-rays we finally diagnosed it as a break in the bone on the outside of the hand.  He's fine but yeah, April and May were pretty rough months.  I think/pray we are on the opposite end of all this bad luck and especially the 'getting sick from nursery' craziness we've been having.  Let's hope anyway, it's starting to feel like a cruel joke the universe is playing on us!!!

I will leave you with a couple of videos of Jakson recently.  The first is him tackling a single stair in his oh so cautious way.  Cracks me up.  The second is of Jakson 'walking' with his lion.  This was before he took his first independent steps but you can certainly tell he was ready to go on his own.

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