Friday, October 15, 2010

A new pic of Baby Boo

We're 15 weeks and 5 days today and quite lucky to have a second scan...even if it comes with a long list of other tests.  Small price to pay in my book!  This scan was amazing as we got to see a lot more of the litte one  - in this scan I could really make out some of the features of growing boo; arms and legs, the spine, the brain and the heart pumping away.  But, the cutest of all was a full hand view with all five fingers that you could literally count off.  There was also what appeared to be some thumb sucking and general all around movement.  Quite funny to see and as we got to the profile shot I shouted out 'how cute!' so the scanner took a picutre at that point.  Looking at BB's profiile below all I can think is how adoreable!  You can literally make out the eyes, the mouth and what appears to be a little button nose.  We're already in love!