Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A year of boo!

I can't believe my wee man is one year old!!  He has grown up so very fast...although how many times have I said that in recent posts?  Honestly, the past year has just flown by! 

As it's his birthday and i'm heading back to work in less than a week (yikes!) i'm sure it's only natural to do a bit of reflecting on the last year.  I keep saying to Rob; just think what we were doing at this time last year...sitting in the hospital, waiting for boo...getting rushed off for surgery!  And most recently I thought about how at this time Rob would have been leaving me alone in the hospital for my first night with Boo!!  How crazy to think it's been a year since it all happened!

What a crazy, exhausting, mental, amazing, rewarding and oh so special year it's been.  I honestly feel so lucky that I was able to spend the entire first year of Boo's life at home with him.  What a privilege to be there for all of the things that have happened during the past 13 months - to watch him grow and develop.  I know I sound so soppy but it's true, i often think if we lived in America that I would have had to go back to work after only 12 weeks/3 months.  And how different our experience would have been.  I feel so blessed to have had this time with him.

To celebrate this very special day, we took Jakson to the London Zoo.  It was an awesome day.  We saw all sorts of animals; lions, gorillas, giraffes and more.  I really think Jakson enjoyed the day, he pointed at animals, seemed genuinely interested in looking at them (and the people all around - this kid loves people!!).  It was a nice sunny day, aside from a short rain shower that just happened to fall while we were eating lunch inside (bonus).  It was an all around lovely day.  And when we arrived home Rob's parents and sister came over to give boo his presents - which he LOVED!  A set of instruments, some mega blocks, clothes and a west ham kit from Auntie Clare (and there are still more pressies to come at his party!).  And his pressie from Nanny & Grandad was an amazing swing/slide for their back yard.  He's already made out like a bandit and hasn't even had his party yet!  More to come, just trying to figure out where we put it all!?!  Time for a clear out I think!

I also took Jakson for his 1 year development check this week; only fitting to see how he measures up one year later.  I talked with the Health Visitor about his development, what he's doing, how he's eating/sleeping, etc.  He is very, very close to walking and can stand on his own, until he realises and scares himself!  And he's talking ALL THE TIME.  Lots of mama, baba, dada, etc.  He now has six teeth: two on bottom/middle plus four more at various stages of coming in on the top/front.  And boy does he love to show these new teeth off!!  Although along with these cute little teeth comes a new challenge: he refuses to brush them! He hates toothpaste.  He gags, spits, cries, etc. I've tried letting him hold the brush, holding him down to brush for him, sneaking the brush in when his mouth is open and it all ends the same: gagging and crying.  He hates it.  We bought him a chewable toothbrush and although he chews everything in sight he won't chew the toothbrush!  I'm trying not to worry about it too much...eek!!

At his 1 year check he was also weighed and measured and at 1 year he weighs exactly 20 lbs and is 70.5 cm long.  That's 25th percentile in weight but only just over the 1st percentile in height.  He's also lost weight as he's gone from 50th down to 25th percentile.  Tho the HV wasn't all too concerned as he's moving a lot and he's been ill.  So we have a little shorty on our hands, tho is anyone surprised?

So the next big event in the life of boo is his 1st birthday party - which is this Saturday.  It should be an event to remember and I will post pictures as soon as I can after.  Until then, wishing our darling little boy a very happy first birthday.  We love you SO very much and can't wait to see what the next year will bring.  xxx