Monday, January 24, 2011

A trendy boo

Weekends have certainly taken on a new meaning these days - it's all about shopping for boo!  Everyone keeps telling me to stop buying stuff as we will get lots of gifts but i can't help myself.  I see things we need for little boo and i can't pass them by.  This weekend was certainly no different but instead of practical things like monitors, sterilisers and breast pumps we've ended up with some of the cutest outfits i've ever seen for a little boy boo:

Now I realise jeans may not be super practical for a baby in the under 3 month age group but how adorable??!  And I do realise he will grow quickly but they were just so darn cute!  I even remember being concerned that they don't make boys clothes as cute as girls clothes but i gotta say, these glad rags have made me change my opinion on that one!  This little boo is gonna be one trendy boo!  You can count on that!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The bee!!!

We picked up our pram today and i'm SO excited about it.  After a lot of  research into different types, styles, etc. and reading review after review, we finally decided on the bugaboo bee.  Now most people hear 'bugaboo' and think one thing: expensive.  But i can't believe what a great deal we got on the pram, the cocoon, footmuff plus the car seat and adaptable base.  We got a steal!  And i'm so pleased with our choice!  I've seen loads of mothers wandering around islington with the bee and every time i see it i get more excited.  How fantastic we've finally got ours, check it out:

From the side, with Jenn's friend mr. elephant going for a ride :)

 And with the sun canopy up:

We also paid a visit to Mothercare today to pick up some essentials and ended up with our bedding and changing mat.  After a ton of searching (are you starting to notice a trend?), i finally decided on the baby k range from mothercare as i think it's quite cute and little bit cheeky:

Now all we need is to get our furniture delivered and we'll be able to start finalising things - i just want somewhere to put everything instead of a half put together room.  We should be arranging a delivery date with our supplier next week so hopefully within a few weeks we'll have a fully functioning nursery!  Then it's on to the long list of other stuff we need before little boo arrives.  Only 11 weeks to go!  It's starting to scare me how close it is - eeek!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

28 Weeks

Time is flying by!  We are already 28 weeks and it seems so much is changing.  Boo is kicking up a storm constantly - in fact i have started to see his movements through my shirt which is simply amazing.  I can feel him almost all the time but Rob has only had a few instances where he's caught a feel and he still hasn't seen anything.  We had a 28-week scan this week and everything is good - he's growing at the right pace and already weights 2 lbs + 7 ozs.  At this rate, assuming he comes around his due date, we are looking at a 7 lb baby which is aok by me!  Here is a photo of baby and one of momma at 28 weeks: