Monday, January 24, 2011

A trendy boo

Weekends have certainly taken on a new meaning these days - it's all about shopping for boo!  Everyone keeps telling me to stop buying stuff as we will get lots of gifts but i can't help myself.  I see things we need for little boo and i can't pass them by.  This weekend was certainly no different but instead of practical things like monitors, sterilisers and breast pumps we've ended up with some of the cutest outfits i've ever seen for a little boy boo:

Now I realise jeans may not be super practical for a baby in the under 3 month age group but how adorable??!  And I do realise he will grow quickly but they were just so darn cute!  I even remember being concerned that they don't make boys clothes as cute as girls clothes but i gotta say, these glad rags have made me change my opinion on that one!  This little boo is gonna be one trendy boo!  You can count on that!!


Alison said...

I love his little clothes. They do have great little guy clothes out there. Angel's birthday is the 6th, maybe he will be born on that day. Can you imagine if the 2 of us (who have known each other since our first year of life) end up each having a child on April 6th? No big deal that my April 6th baby is going to be 14 this year...

Unknown said...

He's going to have to stay trendy, what with the competition from Foster. Can't wait to see the hair style competitions!