Friday, August 5, 2011

Growing Up So Fast!

The wee boo is nearly 17 weeks (on Monday) and we are having so much fun!  It seems he's becoming more and more active, alert and excitable by the day!  He has such an awesome smile that just makes you want to squeeze him so tight and he does some of the cutest things.  Examples:

Mr. Froggie!!!

Look at me!  I'm a big boy!!!

While Jakson has been lots of fun in the day, On the other side of the equation is the sleep chaos that started a couple months back.   I know I've posted about how well Jakson was sleeping...but that has certainly turned on it's head over the last few weeks.  Boo went from sleeping for 5-7 hours at a time to barely making it 3 hours in a stretch. More often than not he's only been going 1-2 hours at night before waking up and needing to be settled back down.What I didn't realise until just recently (thanks to my friend, Michelle) is that babies go through what is called a four month sleep regression.  What this means is that around 4 months babies go through a major developmental spurt which affects their ability to sleep soundly through the night.  The result, lots of sleepless nights!  We've had a couple of weeks of pure sleep hell but last night we may have turned a corner back to normalcy when Jakson went down at 730ish, woke at 1230ish for a feed and then not again until I woke him at 430 for a feed.  Fingers crossed it continues!!

1 comment:

Momma G said...

I can't stand the cuteness!!!! Oh I just want to squeeze him he is just so adorable!!! Love the bath, love the smiles and love the standing!!!! He's well advanced I'd say!! ;) I know it is a few months away, but I can't wait to (hopefully) see you at Christmas time so our 2 little big boys can play together (and the other little boy will probably just sleep a lot! ;)) Miss you tons!!!!

P.S. PIcked up some PB and toothpaste yesterday so will get that in the mail with the bag strap to you this week. xoxo