Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Boo!!

The wee man is a month old today and it seems things are changing so quickly!  He's already showing us just how alert and strong he is, spending more and more time awake during the day and lifting his head to see what's going on in the world around him.  And he smiles all the time, although to be fair, he has done since he was about 2 weeks.  It's brilliant!!  He's growing so fast I just can't believe, just look at these photos taken today:

I'm 1-month old today!!
Enjoying a good (boo) book on my bday.
As you can see, I've been capturing boos growth in his swing (thanks Auntie Christy!!) so it's easy to see how much he's growing.  He's even reading a book all on his own (thanks Will Garwood for the 'Boo' book!!).  Jakson is nearly big enough now to remove the blanket used for support and let him ride the swing all on his own!  I think i'll be so sad when that day arrives as that will mean he's well and truly growing up!!  Bittersweet if i do say so.

I can also tell Jakson is growing up as we're starting to find a routine.  He's been pretty good at sleeping during the night, only waking 2-3 times for a feed.  He's also started taking good naps at consistent intervals during the day.  I know I can count on a good sleep around noon/1 pm when I typically take a shower and another one after his 'lunch' around 4/5 pm.  He usually sleeps for 1.5-2 hours during these nap times which is excellent.  The only slight challenge with all this wonderful sleep is where it's happening...unfortunately Jakson hates his moses basket and is still unsure about the cot in his room so he's his...pram!!  He loves it in there and wont go down anywhere else.  I figure it's better to sleep there than not sleep anywhere.  Right?!    And between his nap times he's excited to play and talk to me so he must be getting good, quality sleep in the pram.  That's what i'm telling myself anyway...

The next exciting event in our lives is our friends Jenn & Tim who arrive on Sunday - we can't wait to see them and introduce them to baby boo.  Jenn's pending arrival is also tied to another milestone - the introduction of bottles!  We've been doing pretty good with the breast feeding and i haven't wanted to introduce a bottle to the little man until we are both pros at the BF.  I still want Boo to be exclusively on breast milk for the time being but hoping the bottle will give me a bit of freedom if I want to go out on the town with Jenn and enjoy some QT with my BFF from Boston.  It will also allow Robert to get involved with the feeding as he can give boo a bottle at night or whenever he fancies.  I'm sure this will be a new adventure - hoping all goes well!!

My other exciting activity this week is to get our thank you cards out as i've just received them from the printer.  It's been over a month since the shower and we've received so many nice cards/gifts since Jakson's arrival - i need to get on sending out the 'thank yous'.  The only challenge is finding enough time to write a little note on the cards and address the envelopes which all needs to happen during Jaksons short nap times.  However, as mentioned above, this is also when i also the time I use to shower, catch-up on housework, nap, etc.  But i'll share a sneak peak of the cards so everyone can trust they are on the way:

My next post will include an update on Jakson's weight (gain) as we are due at the health center this week for a weigh-in.  I'm super excited to see how much he weighs as it's so obvious he's growing.  Will post the details as soon as I have the update - stay tuned!!

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