Tuesday, April 5, 2011


In other words, I'm 40 weeks and 2 days prego today, on my 34th birthday! So here's what 40 weeks and 34 years looks like:

It's been a fairly uneventful birthday, as I expected. We spent the morning at the hospital in the prolonged pregnancy clinic, trying to figure out what to do with me. The good news is that baby boo is very healthy and he has a strong heart beat. We got to see him on a scan but the most i could make out was a femur bone and his spine as he was so scrunched in there it was hard to tell head from toe, literally.

Everything is fine with my blood pressure as well and the pre-E symptoms have stayed at bay so all-in-all things are looking good!  The somewhat bad news is that if boo doesn't arrive by Friday then they will begin the induction process with a membrane sweep.  I'm of mixed emotions about being induced and I go back and forth between wanting it and wanting boo to come on his own.  At this point however I'm so uncomfortable and concerned for his well-being that i'd prefer him to be here more than I'd prefer not to be induced which means one way or another he should be here by early next week.  So it's safe to assume that between today and Friday I'll be doing everything possible to get this baby out naturally.  Extra hot curry (and I hate curry!!), lots of pineapples, bouncing on my maternity ball, etc., etc.

Since I will be forced to eat curry tomorrow (blah), I made sure to enjoy a lovely birthday meal with the O'Brien clan this evening.  We went to a little Sardinian/Italian restaurant down the street from our flat called 'Little Sardegna'.  Rob and I love this little restaurant as it's very authentic, the food is excellent and it reminds us of our trip to Sardinia from a few years back.  Here are a few photos from our lovely meal:

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