Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We've got a mover!!

Our 20-week scan was today and all is well!  It was actually amazing to see how much baby boo has grown and how active he was!  He's about 12 cm long and weighs exactly 1 pound.  And he certainly has energy - he wouldn't stay still for the measurements or his pictures!!  But we did get to see pretty much every part of him; we counted all the fingers and toes, saw his eyes, nose and mouth and of course, the willy.  With all the movement we could hardly get a photo of the little guy but did manage one decent shot:

In other news, we are trying to get ready for the move - in less than two weeks we are upgrading to a two bedroom flat which marks the start of operation GET READY FOR BOO!  I already feel so disorganised but once it's over I'll be happy to start preparing BB's room and shopping for the necessities.  It's kind of scary how quickly time is going by.  It's also scary to think after Christmas it will only be 3 short months until the arrival.  We better get our butts in gear!!


Momma G said...

Aww love it!!! He's so stinkin' cute - I can't wait to meet him! Are you feeling him move yet? Hope you're feeling OK and hope you had a happy Turkey Day! Miss you! xoxox

Kim and Rob OBrien said...

He is pretty cute, isnt he?? :) I'm biased of course but still... And yes! I am feeling him all the time, not on the outside yet but from the inside he's defintly quite active. I'm scared to think what it will be like when he gets even bigger! I think it's time for you to post a new update on your blog. I've been waiting patiently for weeks no...miss you!!