Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We've got a mover!!

Our 20-week scan was today and all is well!  It was actually amazing to see how much baby boo has grown and how active he was!  He's about 12 cm long and weighs exactly 1 pound.  And he certainly has energy - he wouldn't stay still for the measurements or his pictures!!  But we did get to see pretty much every part of him; we counted all the fingers and toes, saw his eyes, nose and mouth and of course, the willy.  With all the movement we could hardly get a photo of the little guy but did manage one decent shot:

In other news, we are trying to get ready for the move - in less than two weeks we are upgrading to a two bedroom flat which marks the start of operation GET READY FOR BOO!  I already feel so disorganised but once it's over I'll be happy to start preparing BB's room and shopping for the necessities.  It's kind of scary how quickly time is going by.  It's also scary to think after Christmas it will only be 3 short months until the arrival.  We better get our butts in gear!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's a boy!!!

We had another scan today and were lucky enough to find out the sex!  And yes, it's a boy!!  It's so funny b/c I've thought 'he' would be a boy since the very beginning; I'm constantly referring to 'him' or 'he' when talking about the little boo so it was quite exciting to find out 'he' actually is a 'he'.  This wasn't the official 20-week scan so they didn't perform all the measurements but from the basic assessment the midwife seemed to think all is OK. 

Here are a couple of new photos from today's scan: the first is another head shot, if you look closely you can see the little hand as well.  I think little boo is looking quite cute from the inside, don't you?!

The second picture is actually a 'bottom up' shot - it's like he's sitting down and you are looking up from the bottom and the main focal point is his bum.  If you can visualise him sitting you should also be able to make out a leg as well. Then, low and behold, between the cheeks is a willy!  A little willy!  The scan technician was an Indian woman and she said in her cute little Indian accent 'oh yes, look here, you can see it quite clearly - it's a little willy!!'  What a riot.  I hope boo doesn't mind being exposed over the world wide web :)