Saturday, February 26, 2011

Boo's New Gear

This week was a big one in the run up to the arrival!  The first bit of excitement happened when Boo's furniture arrived!  It feels like we've been waiting AGES for it and were quite excited when it arrived on Wednesday.  It looks AMAZING!!  Don't ya think?

The nursery isn't what I'd call complete but with most of the furniture we've got a good start.  Still need to get the feeding chair, figure out what we are doing on the walls and give the shelves some sprucing up.  Luckily we have around 5 weeks before d-day to sort out those details.

The next big event was to pick up our new car!  Now you must consider how exciting this purchase is when I've lived the last 12 years with no car!!  And Rob has never owned a car of his own, besides the Ford KA he bought a few months back.  So it's safe to say that this is a major milestone in our life.  And not only did we get a car, but I was able to convince Robert that we deserve a nice car, a BMW in fact :)  Now I've wanted a BMW for a long time but if you read my previous post, Rob was pretty much anit-BMW...until he took a test drive.  That was a defining moment and after that TD Rob was a definite convert.  So now it's official, we are the proud owners of a 'beemer' and we LOVE IT!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Who's the daddy?

After our 32-week scan today I can certainly confirm that Rob is the daddy of baby boo!  I know you might think i'm crazy but just look at this picture and tell me you don't see Rob???

I see Rob's pointy (although very straight!) nose and his mouth as well.  Baby boo looks just like him!  And aside from the way he looks, he's all very well and healthy.  Moving around as always and all measurements indicate he's right on target with growth.  In fact, he now weighs 3 lbs and 14 ozs so right on track.

I also got a little surprise from a friend at work (thanks Alison!!).  She found this little set of baby skincare items and just couldn't pass it by, can you guess why?  I just adore this little pressie!!

In other VERY exciting news we've put a hold payment down on a new car!  I don't want to say it out loud for fear of jinxing it but i'm hoping this is a safe this time next week we may just be the proud owners of a 2009 BMW 318d!!!!  I think we are both pretty excited!  Despite Rob being quite skeptical about buying a beemer, once he got behind the wheel he swiftly changed his mind.  It was quite amusing in fact to watch...for someone who had been trying to convince me we should buy a Ford Focus (gag) for the last couple of months, he couldn't fight the desire after feeling that sport steering wheel and the power of the 318 diesel engine pushing him down the road.  I think it's safe to say he fell in love :)  So fingers crossed nothing goes wrong with the deal and we actually get our hands on this beast very, very soon. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

31 Weeks

Thought i'd give a visual update on baby boo so everyone can see how big the bump has gotten.  From the front i appear quite normal...but from the side it's a very, very different story:

I'd say the bump is coming along nicely and boo is certainly not lazy - he moves almost constantly but it doesn't seem like he kicks, it's more like somersaults.  It's really fantastic and a little bit weird to feel him move around so much.

We also heard from Mamas and Papas and are expecting the nursery furniture to be here in the next couple of weeks.  They certainly take their sweet time but it's at least something big to look forward to.  I can't wait to actually set-up the nursery!!  Not long now...five weeks of work and eight until d-day.  We better get our butts in gear!!